Monday, December 1, 2008

Time for Introductions

I need to introduce two very special people in my life:

My cousin Jack (yes, our names rhyme ... I don't know what our mom's were thinking!). He teaches me how to play with trains. And climb up the slide instead of climbing up the step. And walk down the slide instead of sliding down the slide. Oh the trouble we will be getting into ...

And Thor, my older brother. I wouldn't manage without him to show me the way.


Hannah said...

Mack you make me laugh! My mommy said to tell you, "Roller coaster child?!?" It's such a fun ride. =))


Hannah said...

I forgot to tell you, my mommy said, "Copy away!" She would consider it a compliment.

Unknown said...

My two handsome little grandsons and Thor the Terribly Cute. You guys look awesome together. Yes, you are trouble in the making...what fun!!!

Niki said...

Jack wanted me to tell his little cousin that he has lots to teach him and can't wait to see him again!!!!